Good S**t! The Humanure Handbook: Second Edition is now available online…

The second edition of the very excellent The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure is now available as an eBook over at the Permaculture Design Courses Blogspot… enjoy 😀

A brief video on what can be done if we put our mind’s to it…..

<p><a href=”″>Depaving Day!</a> from <a href=””>Streetfilms</a&gt; on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

How Permanent Is Permaculture?

We’re great fans of The Survival Podcast, they never fail to reveal some little gems. As part of their recent Permaculture as a Solution for Modern Survival broadcast they linked to some great video clips from EcoFilms Australia which show exactly how sustainable food production can be… How permanent is Permaculture? Try 2000 years! 😉